RPLCNM’s mission is to help put government back into the hands of the people and to defend our rights that are guaranteed to us by the Constitution. We believe our God-given freedom is inseparable from our responsibility to serve our community, state, and nation. We value individual worth, responsibility, and freedom, and seek to protect the American Dream for all. We continue this tradition today, whether it’s defending our local ranchers and farmers from an overly-aggressive federal government, or standing up for our local and statewide traditions. We hold the belief that our God-given freedoms shall not be infringed upon by any man or government agency. We value our liberties, freedom and faiths.

The purpose of Americas founding documents was to ensure personal, economic, and religious freedom. The opportunity these freedoms provided, combined with individual initiative, gave us the most prosperous and secure nation in history. Freedom and self-determination remain our best hope for a better future. A vibrant economy and stable employment should be as common to every New Mexican as our rich traditions, deep family roots, and cultural diversity.

We believe that government, at every level, has grown too large and is now a threat to the very rights and freedom it was designed to protect.

We believe government must be financially fair and allow taxpayers to keep more of their earnings.

We believe that a clean environment, the responsible development of our natural resources, and a robust economy are compatible, and it is our duty to manage these responsibly, while basing decisions on sound science and common sense.

We support efforts to improve education through accountability, local control and school choice. We oppose policies that lower expectations and trap children in failing schools.

We support measures that ensure the solvency of healthcare benefits for veterans, the elderly and disabled.

We believe in the sanctity of all human life, from conception until natural death.

We oppose the use of tax dollars for any service or procedure that ends an innocent human life.

We believe that marriage is a religious institution, not merely a legal contract. As such, the term Marriage is not subject to governmental interpretation.

We oppose government interference in parental efforts to instruct and promote their morals and values.

We support Civil Rights laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, gender, handicap, religion and national origin; as well as the principal of individual value, respect and dignity.

We support immigration policies that encourage legal immigration, expedite our naturalization process, keep families together, and grow our tax base; including a guest worker program that is based on our workforce needs.

We support efforts to secure and maintain our border from drug and human trafficking and terror threats.

We oppose a path to citizenship that is automatic and is without legal or civic requirements.

We support all legal and Constitutional activities to detect terror threats and prevent terrorist attacks.

We oppose the governmental surveillance of phones, text messaging and emails without a court order.

We support our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for personal security & defense, as well as sporting purposes.

We oppose any effort to legalize or decriminalize the recreational use of drugs.

We believe the proper role of government is to provide only those critical functions that cannot be performed by individuals or private organizations.

We oppose judicial activism and the use of executive privilege to create law. These actions undermine our election process, and usurp the authority of a duly elected legislature.

We oppose the use of Constitutional Amendments as a vehicle to avoid potential vetoes from the elected executive.